Untitled, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Test post to see how this new "share bar" from flickr is working.

The Scale of Things

The Scale of Things, originally uploaded by 27ray.

full moon

DSC_2170, originally uploaded by 27ray.

downtown LA


150million-to-300-thousand, originally uploaded by 27ray.

I was watching the pod cast of the Rachel Madow show and guest mentioned that the top "one tenth of one percent of the population of he US has the same wealth as the bottom 50%." So i wanted to see that this looked like. Percents and hundreds of millions et al are hard for my small human brain to understand.

This is what i came up with. each square on this chart is equal to 30,000 humans. Yes EACH one. on the left are 4,900 (4,900 x 30,000 = 147,000,000) representing roughly 50% of the U.S. Pop. (of 300 million humans) and the right side represents 30,000 (0.001 of 300 million)

The dollar image is laid over each side equally and each full side is equal.

I am struck by how much more room the right side has and how the dollar is more clear, reflecting for me how having large pools of money makes getting what you need or need done much easier, much clearer.

Please share this as much as you would like too.


DSC_2140, originally uploaded by 27ray.


Proportion, originally uploaded by 27ray.

I was looking at these amazing photos on the great boston.com "the Big Picture" site and was struck by the disparity of the destruction. So i made this image breaking out the images by side of the "battle". I do not profess to understand humans or their actions. best viewed full size.


All images and copy is property of their respective copy right holders.


Easter-From_SE, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Mystery Isle (v.2)

Mystery Isle Poster

Mystery Isle, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Horse Play

Horse Play, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Softly the rocks sing

Softly the rocks sing, originally uploaded by 27ray.

The Scale of Things

The Scale of Things, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Mist blows off the ocean to the right, a horse eats unknowingly, the Moai of Tongariki, all 15 that have been raised 3 times now, sit and watch over the plain between them and Rano Raraku, clouds pass, and i soak, soak it all in my eyes, my camera my skin.


Tongariki, originally uploaded by 27ray.

guess i have to have a few photos of the Moai.

erosion study No. 122 (with smoke)

erosion study No. 122 (with smoke), originally uploaded by 27ray.

Walked 5 miles from town to the top of this volcano cone, read for a couple hours under the crosses at the top. Insecure Christians i thought. walked down, sun setting and a clearing fire adding to the evening glow, the erosion on this hill beautiful and frighting like the skin under your grandmothers arm.

Fences of the island No. 583

Fences of the island No. 583, originally uploaded by 27ray.

So many fences on this small island. Little room per person, scarce resources, maybe is shouldn't be surprised, but i am. And disappointed, which seems judgmental, it;s not, but i feel let down.

34 days of walks

34 days of walks, originally uploaded by 27ray.

"Thirty-Founr days? What are you going to do on the small island for 34 days?"

This a book of what I saw as I walked all around this beautiful, remote, enchanting island. The light the sea, the folds and curves of this volcanic land laid bare to the caress of the passing clouds shadows.

I find it important when looking at something to understand what it is I am seeing. The land is bare and exposed because all of the trees were removed. This is exposure, this beauty is another unintended consequence of the actions of the people who also built the statues the island is so famous for. I am just gueesing that after the last tree was gone that there was little more beautiful to these people than the memory of the deep forest.

These people lived alone among themselves for longer than the "Americas have been the America's". As we also are alone and isolated on this small fragile remote planet with no where to go and no one to save us, I feel there are many lessons for us all on this Mystery Isla.

Personally Thirty-Four days was not long enough for me.

Text for the introduction of a book i am working on about my trip to easter Island.

Creative commons Lic. Image derived from file located here. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Easter_Island_map-en.svg


PUDIN, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Just love this find, so sweet and honest. Found while walking around waiting... not all who arrive early are afraid to be late.



Like silver this image slips into my eyes,

a future lover shakes your hand

for the first time,

you both know.

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in your face

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equal light

equal light, originally uploaded by 27ray.

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DSC 5046, originally uploaded by 27ray.

this islands light is intoxicating to my eyes, as they explode frm the light and beauty. enjoy.

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Ghost town moon rise

Ghost town moon rise, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Near full moon in the sky, sun just down, Poike in the distance. Shortly after this photo I had to back to back moments where i was sure there was some one looking over my sholder as I was taking more pics. I don’t normally go in for that sort of thing but i took note, excused myself and left for the night. Is a special place this island, this ghost town i am on. and my month nearly up i feel like this picture sums up my time here.

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Robert Rauschenberg is dead at 82. One of my favorite painters. A painter who when i looked at his work i could feel, his hands his mind work the the canvas, could under stand the kinetics of his thoughts, his brush strokes, and collages, colors and patterns. His was the work that first inspired my painting, and opened my mind to what a painting could be. He is missed.

In other news the Vatican lead astronomer has decided that intelligent life "created by god" on other planets would not threaten a belief in god. Good too know, I'll ring the Arecebo Radio Telescope and let them know it is okay to look for intelligent life on other planets as long as it was created by god... Who says the Vatican isn't progressive, I mean it took 500 years for them to admit Galileo was right, but only the last 100 to admit there might be life other than on the planet.

Despite the Vatican's "reassurance", I feel a little more alone on this planet tonight.

"king of orange" Ray Woods - Oil, Mixed Media on Canvas. 2006

Fenced in

Fenced in, originally uploaded by 27ray.

the value of spelling

the value of spelling, originally uploaded by 27ray.

the glow inside

the glow inside, originally uploaded by 27ray.


pair, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Softly the land rolls

Softly the land rolls, originally uploaded by 27ray.

Fade into you

Fade into you, originally uploaded by 27ray.